Established Technology Provider for treatment and recycling
Established Technology Provider for treatment and recycling
• Wastewater
• Solid Waste / Biomass
• Gaseous Waste
Pollution Engineerings (M) Sdn Bhd is a pioneer in the environmental industry in Malaysia.

Site Inspection - Activated Sludge
Environmental Friendly
A company dedicated to making the world a safer and cleaner place.
Pollution Engineerings (M) Sdn Bhd is a pioneer in the environmental industry in Malaysia. We are a proven technology provider in the solid waste, wastewater treatment and renewable energy systems – capable of providing conceptual proposal, process and engineering design, building and commissioning of integrated solutions.
More than 40 Years of Experience
Since 1980, the Company has a long and proven track record in successful completion of projects for both the Government and private sectors, local and international markets.
Towards A Safer and Cleaner World
The Company envisaged to become a "One Stop Solution Center for the Treatment and Recycling of Waste" by providing an efficient and economical solution to meet the growing needs for a cleaner environment.
Experts In The Industry
Why Choose Us
Reason 1
Over 4 decades of experience in designing and providing different kinds of proven waste treatment and recycling technologies.
Reason 2
We emphasize on high quality products for reliability and durability.
Reason 3
We are ever ready to provide after sales services.
Our Portfolio
Projects Completed
“Every time we complete a job, we feel honoured for contributing towards the environment and the smile in our client’s face is what keeps us going forward” – CEO of Pollution Engineerings
- Industrial Wastewater & Sewage Treatment Plants
- Incinerator & Dryer System
- Others
The Things We Do Best
Our Products
What Our Clients Say
Listen to what our clients has to say.
lncinirator model BHC 100 yang dibekalkan itu telahpun di uji dan didapati berfungsi dengan baik. Dengan ini kerja-kerja yang di tanggungjawabkan kepada pihak Syarikat Tuan dianggap telah selesai. Pihak Pertubuhan ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pihak tuan atas perlaksanaan projek tersebut dengan jaya. Kami berharap pihak Syarikat tuan akan terus memberi khidmat 'after sales service' kepada kami untuk menguruskan mesin tersebut dengan baik.
Terima kasih bagi atas kerjasama dan sokongan yang telah diberi untuk menjayakan projek berkenaan.

Over the years the removal efficiency of more than 90% Suspended Solids still being achieved with the reduction of BOD and COD.

The Hi WaveTM Compo machine is converting the organic waste especially food waste from our hospital into dry granular organic fertilzer within the stipulated time of 7 days. There are no auxiliary enzymes or chemicals required by the HiWave TM Compo machine.
We like to confirm that we had received the chemical analysis reports of the fertilizer from Malaysian Agriculture Research & Development Institute (MARDI) which stated that the product from the Hi WaveTM Compo machine is high quality organic fertilizer suiitable for organic vegetable farming and landscaping. We have also tried the fertilzer in our orchard and landscape around hospital and it is proven to be good as mentioned by MARDI.
Finally we forsee that this HiWave TM Compo machine can greatly manage and reduce the organic waste in all other hospitals as well instead of allowing wastes dumped into landfill which can lead to environmental problems.

Our Clients